This is a Design Document that I created for a KOTH (King of the Hill) level I made for Team Fortress 2 using the Hammer Editor. I made this to help document my intent and decisions for the design.
For this project, I wanted to learn how to create levels for an existing game. It was a difficult process and I spent a great deal of time carefully studying different levels in the game. I also spent time listening to other level designers as well interviews with the original developers. A lot of careful tweaking was required to get the basic shape and size of the level correct. While it was my goal to stay faithful to the original design, I also wanted to add something new. I tried to give my level something unique compared to other similar levels. While most KOTH maps have the point on an elevated area, I wanted to see how a level would play with the point in a sunken area. I still have yet to test my level with multiple players, but I still believe that my work with this document was very effective and important.